Consider a living trust
A living trust is an excellent way to plan successfully. With a living trust, you can gain the added peace of mind that comes from professional, personalized investment management. At the same time, our services as trustees can free you from many time-consuming chores associated with the care and handling of securities. Busy executives and professionals find these advantages attractive. So do retirees who want to be free to travel and pursue new interests.
Some market risk depending on investments. May not be FDIC insured, are not obligations of the bank, may lose value.
Set Up a Trust
For investment expertise – to gain access to unbiased, professional management of your assets.
For protection – to have someone available to stand in your financial shoes should illness or incapacity strike.
For peace of mind – to know that the details of your financial life will avoid public scrutiny.
For convenience – to free yourself from the burdensome chores that accompany maintaining an active portfolio.
For economy – to eliminate the unnecessary expenses of overpayment of taxes, thereby leaving more for your heirs.
For philanthropic purposes – to fashion a charitable gift that meets your income needs and takes advantage of all available tax benefits.
Establish Your Trust
Whatever the reason for establishing your trust, you will need to name a trustee.
As a start, you will want to choose a trustee who understands your goals and has the capability to follow your instructions to the letter.
When should you review your Estate?
Marriage or remarriage
Change in estate size
Death of spouse or heir
Change in health
Acquisition of property in another state
Any change regarding an heir or beneficiary
Additional heirs or beneficiaries
We offer a highly personalized, full line of personal trust and estate planning services in Nebraska and Wyoming. These services include review of wills, investments, and estate tax issues.
Investment management accounts that include non-bank products are not FDIC insured, are not deposits or obligations of, nor guaranteed by, the financial institution or any government agency and may be subject to investment risks, including possible loss of the principal invested.